Once the material needs are met, click Start Production. Selecting one of the blueprints, then clicking the "To Factory" button in the top right will allow you to deposit materials into the factory. Pressing F2 will open the blueprints menu. NOTE: Known Bug: If a block placed at the symmetry plane, it will consume 2 blocks and placed them in same place. Using the "Undo" and "Redo" button on Symmetry Build GUI, the player can undo or redo any block placement via symmetry build in Creative game.

then click on the block through which the plane should go, while keep holding down N and equipped the block.then press N and select the plane axis (XY,YZ or ZX).the player must equip any place-able block.The key N is assigned by default to access the symmetry build menu. The Symmetry can be achieved in XY plane, YZ plane or ZX plane. The Symmetry building method can be used to replicate one side of a structure on the opposite side. NOTE:Known Bug: Though flying capital vessel work with interchangeable Front-back-left-right, The Warp Drive do not work unless the CV flying and facing in default front direction. if a player build his/her vessel facing left, placing the cockpit in left direction will make the left direction act as front) but up-down can not be changed. The other four cardinal direction (front / back / left / right) can be interchanged by cockpit orientation, (i.e.

In space, where there is no ground for reference, locating down can be confusing. Up-Down orientation is not confusing on planets as down will always face the ground. In the image below, the weapons which are in the same colored circle with the cockpit, will fire, if the player operates the vessel from that cockpit. if there are multiple Vessel Mounted Weapons placed on the vessel looking at different direction, the direction of weapons match with the cockpit will only fire. however.Ĭockpits and weapons can be placed in all four cardinal direction (front / back / left / right) but the player can only use the guns which are in-line with the cockpit orientation, i.e. Up-Down can not be determined by this method. The easiest way to find the default front is to hover a cockpit over the starter block and see the orientation of the ghost block. side of blocks which are at upright side for the player are considered as up.blocks facing away from the player are the front (the player always looks in flight direction when the starter block is placed).The default front is determined by which direction the player is facing when the starter block is placed ( see the image "default orientation"). The default direction still remains, but direction-dependent devices are not restricted to that direction. In Pre-Alpha 3.2.0, the arrow was removed, and devices can now be placed facing all four cardinal directions (Front-back-left-right). Every direction-dependent device like cockpits or weapons had to be placed that way and could not rotate. Before Pre-Alpha 3.2.0, the core of the starter blocks of vessels had an arrow which showed the orientation of the starter block.

Bases for example have orientations in only 90 degree increments, and orientation is extremely important for vessel building. Orientation determines which direction is considered the front.